Paint Jobs: The Art And Poetry Of Panel BeatingPaint Jobs: The Art And Poetry Of Panel Beating

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Paint Jobs: The Art And Poetry Of Panel Beating

As a retired panel beater, I often despair that the sheer joy and poetry of owning a car has been lost. Today, cars are merely seen as a necessity, rather than a prized possession. I yearn for the days when people turned their cars into individual pieces of art, with careful consideration given to colours and whether to use matte or metallic paints. Nowadays, people seem happy to settle for the limited range provided on the showroom floor. I started this blog to provide tips for those of you who need a panel beating or paint job due to an unfortunate mishap or the desire to be unique. I hope these pointers help you to get the best quality finish and also inspire you to experiment a little. I wish you all the best, and may your car always be the shiniest one in the parking lot.

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Factors That Will Affect The Cost of Commercial Truck Repairs After an Accident

If you are a commercial truck service manager, you are responsible for keeping your fleet in roadworthy condition. Ensuring your fleet is fit to be used on the road is not only important for legal compliance reasons but also for ensuring the safety of the personnel and cargo on board. 

Unfortunately, truck accidents can happen anywhere and at any time, meaning auto repairs are inevitable. The price you will be expected to pay for truck repairs depends on multiple variables, including the ones discussed below. 

The level of damage suffered after a truck collision 

Not all types of auto accident damage are the same. The damage to your truck after a collision can be minor, moderate or severe, depending on the impact of the collision. Major collisions can cause severe vehicle damage and may require taking apart the entire vehicle to identify and fix the damage. This will cause the cost of truck repairs to add up quickly. 

In cases where the damage to your vehicle is only superficial, like when there are a few small dents on the body of the vehicle, fast aesthetic fixes such as paintless dent repairs should suffice. A paintless dent repair job requires no filling, sanding or painting and works well in situations where there are dents but the paint is still intact.

The shop you choose for your truck repairs

When it comes to truck accident damage, you're often free to choose where you want to get your vehicles repaired. This means you can always take your vehicles to a shop that has a long-standing relationship with your company. But for insurance-covered repairs, you may be required to get multiple vehicle repair cost estimates so your insurer can check if the quotes are competitively priced. 

Insist on getting detailed quotes whenever possible, as that helps you or your insurer know the total amount of money that will have to be paid to return your vehicle to its pre-collision condition. The price you'll have to pay for truck repairs depends on the winning quote and can vary greatly from shop to shop. 

Truck accidents take your vehicles off the road, leading to increased downtime and high repair costs. Although these accidents are unavoidable, they are an aspect of the trucking business that you must be prepared to deal with when they arise. Failure to complete truck accident repairs promptly and affordably may hurt your business's bottom line.