Paint Jobs: The Art And Poetry Of Panel BeatingPaint Jobs: The Art And Poetry Of Panel Beating

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Paint Jobs: The Art And Poetry Of Panel Beating

As a retired panel beater, I often despair that the sheer joy and poetry of owning a car has been lost. Today, cars are merely seen as a necessity, rather than a prized possession. I yearn for the days when people turned their cars into individual pieces of art, with careful consideration given to colours and whether to use matte or metallic paints. Nowadays, people seem happy to settle for the limited range provided on the showroom floor. I started this blog to provide tips for those of you who need a panel beating or paint job due to an unfortunate mishap or the desire to be unique. I hope these pointers help you to get the best quality finish and also inspire you to experiment a little. I wish you all the best, and may your car always be the shiniest one in the parking lot.

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Do Not Ignore Defect Notices Even If You Don't Need To Drive That Truck

When you drive your truck through any Australian state, the police can stop you and inspect your vehicle. If there is a problem that could make the vehicle unsafe to operate, you're given a defect notice that comes with two different levels of severity. In both cases, you need to get the notice cleared after repairing the truck. The notices may seem easy to ignore, but you don't want to do that. Make it a priority to get the truck repairs done, even if your truck is old and you don't have to drive it much.

There Is A Time Limit

Why not ignore the notice? There's a time limit, and if you don't clear the notice or get an extension, you face consequences. The officer who wrote the notice isn't just placing a sticker on your truck; they're logging your truck's information with the state. If you ignore the notice, the state sure won't. And if you're worried that you can't meet the time limit, you can apply for an extension.

You Face Loss Of Registration

If your truck is deemed not roadworthy in any way and you're ordered to bring the truck in for repairs, you have to do so. Otherwise, you'll most likely lose your registration. If you try to drive a truck that is unregistered, you'll face penalties for that, too. It's cheaper and easier to get the truck repaired and then clear the defect notice. Remember that for trucks, you can have the notice cleared in another state. That means that if your truck is based with a company in one state, and you get the defect notice while you're transporting goods in another state, you can clear the defect in your home state.

Clearance May Take Longer Than Expected

The pandemic has shown how easily a normal task can suddenly take a much longer time due to people being absent due to illness or lockdown status. While Australia isn't in the same massive lockdown stage as it was in 2020, there are still local restrictions that can change at any time. You don't want to assume getting your defect clearance on the last day of the notice will be possible because someone could be out sick, or inspection areas may be temporarily closed and you'd have to travel farther to get the truck reinspected. While going to a repair service that handles defect clearance notices for you can help, that's still not a guarantee that you can wait until the last minute and still get everything cleared in time. Get the repairs done as quickly as possible so that when you initiate the defect clearance process, you can do so in a calm manner that isn't rushed.