As a retired panel beater, I often despair that the sheer joy and poetry of owning a car has been lost. Today, cars are merely seen as a necessity, rather than a prized possession. I yearn for the days when people turned their cars into individual pieces of art, with careful consideration given to colours and whether to use matte or metallic paints. Nowadays, people seem happy to settle for the limited range provided on the showroom floor. I started this blog to provide tips for those of you who need a panel beating or paint job due to an unfortunate mishap or the desire to be unique. I hope these pointers help you to get the best quality finish and also inspire you to experiment a little. I wish you all the best, and may your car always be the shiniest one in the parking lot.
Keeping a vehicle in top condition goes beyond mai …
Auto panel beaters are the unsung heroes of the au …
As the owner or operator of a commercial truck, yo …
Does your car have lots of dings and scratche …
When you drive your truck through any Australian s …